Monday, October 22, 2012

The Wait is on

Now it's time to wait again.  Yup, wait to see when AF shows up.  Unfortunately since my last cycle was not the average cycle I have no idea when it will start.  Which also means I will have no idea when I should take any kind of HPT.  Well I guess I just wait and see what happens.  I really would like to take a test on Thursday in celebration of my and my wonderful husbands four year wedding anniversary but I know that it is too soon and would be a waste of money and a test just to see a BFN.  I think right now the date I have in mind is Halloween.  Only reason I have that date in mind is it's several days after what would be the average length for a cycle.

In the mean time I have done plenty to distract myself.  Well not really meant to do anything to distract myself but in true Michelle fashion I cut myself with a knife trying to remove hot glue from something I was working in.  This will be the second time in four years that I have had a serious cut to my left thumb.  The first time was a week before my wedding.  I was opening a box, with intention of making sure my husbands wedding gift was the right one and I cut my thumb with the butcher block scissors.  Needless to say that one left a scar and the husband says that day I used the one pass I get for calling him off the golf course.  This time there was no need to call him off the golf course.  He was just getting out of the shower and unsure if this one will leave a scar but definitely will take a while to heal. Thankfully it's on my left hand and I don't use it that much, even at work, I don't really use my thumbs, although i have accidentally knocked it on a few things and boy did that hurt.

I am also looking forward to halloween, not only because that's my testing date, I also love taking DD out trick or treating.  This year she is going as a crayon box.  It is actually a costume my mom had made me and my sisters when we were growing up.  It still looks really good, not worn at all and it thankfully fits DD.  Last year it was too long and she wouldn't have been able to walk in it, but in the last year she was grown like a weed so I was worried it wouldn't fit.  I am worried that we will have to cover it with a coat if there is not enough room underneath it for a coat.  Last year no coat on halloween was needed.  All she needed was a long sleeve shirt and pants under her costume and it was so nice out even after the sun went down.  This year is going to be a lot colder, and which probably means we won't go to as many houses as we did last year.  Around our town they have so many halloween things its great.  Leading up to Halloween I hope DH takes her to several of the parities around town.  The nice thing about most of the parities is that the admission fee is a non perishable food item or a donation of some sort, which is always nice.  Of course there are several things on Halloween and we will have to schedule very carefully if we want to try and make it to as many of the events as possible.

Until then here's to waiting and having self control not to POAS too early.

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