Monday, October 15, 2012

Just Keep Swimming

This encompasses a lot of things.  Firstly it's mainly in reference to my husband.  He has been having issues with his ear.  When he went to the doctor they thought it was an infection so put him  on antibiotics for it.  He was told to make an appointment with the ENT doctor if it hadn't helped in a week.  Well a week went by and it wasn't getting any better so he made the appointment.  Another week later it seemed to be getting better only while he had the antibiotics in his system.  When he was late taking a dose his ear would start hurting again.  So he went to the appointment and got it checked out.  His hearing is fine and actually does not have an infection.  What he has is a severe case of swimmers ear!?!?!?  He hasn't gone swimming in forever.  It makes you wonder sometimes.  I think maybe he got water in his ear from showering.  According to the doctor he has a lot of space in between his ear drum and his ear canal.  That is probably what caused it and surprisingly hasn't caused more problems in the past.  Now in the morning when he wakes up and before he goes to bed I get to put drops in his ear to try and help it.  I do find it kind of ironic that to help swimmers ear, which is water trapped in your ear, you have to put drops in your ear.  I guess if it works then it doesn't matter if is makes all that much sense.

Also I want all my friends struggling with anything in their lives right now to remember to 'just keep swimming'.  It doesn't matter what is going on just keep your chin up spirits high and remember that there are people who care about you and that you can overcome anything.  I have so many great friends, and I am getting to know some really great people through the bump website.  All of you guys inspire me and help me remember to 'keep swimming'.  Although my struggles right now are not that great it's easy to let them take control of your life and let them consume you.

Here's to my husband swimmer's ear clearing up soon and to everyone who is struggling with something 'Just Keep Swimming'!!!

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