Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Ok, I know I have neglected this blog for a while.  Things have gotten crazy around the house.  I worked a ton this weekend and DD has decided bedtime is a suggestion until she is ready to lay down so sometimes it takes over an hour to get her in bed and sleeping.  Ahh the joys of parenthood.  I know some people would then start to question having another kid, but I know we will be able to handle it.

We were watching the show Parenthood the other day and they made a reference to sex calling it FunkyTown so now I think that is a new inside joke between me and my husband.  Perfect timing too because now is the time to start getting down to business to try and get pregnant this cycle.  I know the more often we go to FunkyTown the better the chances but I still don't want to take the intimacy out of it.  I never want it to turn into a chore for either of us.  I know there are days where I am not in the mood but indulge my husbands desire for a trip to FunkyTown.  I never want it to get to the point where we just say, 'let's get it over with and hope it works'.  That is why I have not started going through great lengths to figure out when I am most fertile. I know some women chart their temperatures take ovulation tests and such, and whatever works for them is best for them.  I would probably become obsessive and over analyze everything an stress myself out more and stress can hurt the process in a negative way.  I think that's why my last cycle was so off because in the middle of the cycle my daughter got sick and we had to take her to the ER and it was just a stressful time and I think it through off my body, more then it being unusual from being off birth control.

So here is to many trips to FunkyTown in the next week or so.  Hope one of those trips is the baby maker.

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