Thursday, October 11, 2012


Well today is an anniversary.  Six years ago today my wonderful husband changed my life by asking me to be his girlfriend.  Yes, he did in fact actually ask.  We were friends and didn't really have a definition of what we were so in true high school fashion(even though we were in college), he asked me to be his girlfriend.  When he propose I had hoped to keep this anniversary since it was a Saturday the year we got married but the date was booked at the reception site we wanted so we settled for a date two weeks later.

So basically I am going to gush about how I have the best man in the world.  I know everyone thinks that about their boyfriend/husband/SO and honestly you all should think that.  If you do not think your partner is the best thing in the world then maybe something is wrong.  My husband has stuck by me through a lot and I mean A LOT.  He has gone through criticism for me, handling tough times, and we have both come out smiling on the other end.  He is supportive of all my hopes and dreams and loves me unconditionally, even in my bad moments.

He is the best father in the world.  Even though our daughter is some what of a mommy's girl, I know she is a daddy's girl too.  If i could be a fly in the house to see how they are when I am away I would love that.  I know they have so much fun all the time.  He is very patient with her, especially now that she is developed a little sassy personality.  He loves his little girl more as much as he can and I am sure his love for her grows every day.

I am just so lucky that at a potentially dark time in my life my husband brought me such great joy and light.  Cannot wait to grow our love even more as well as our family.

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