Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Since I doubt I will be posting tomorrow.  Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  We are not doing anything special for Thanksgiving.  It will be just the three of us.  It will be nice to spend a whole day as a family and not worry about work or anything like that.

Black Friday will be another story.  Although I am not much of a shopper, I know we will be heading out in the morning to catch some deals, basically whatever is left.  We are not looking for big ticket items this year.  Basically we will go to Best Buy and see what DVDs and Blu Rays they have on sale(they usually have great deals) and then maybe see about small appliances(bread maker and crock pot).  I do have to work Black Friday.  Ahh, working in retail during the holiday season.  I know TJ Maxx will not be like all the other stores, but I do know it will be busy and messy and just all out crazy.  Unsure if people wait outside TJ Maxx for it to open on Black Friday, but they do on Saturday and Sundays so why not on a big shopping day such as Black Friday.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.  So here's to a wonderful day with my wonderful family.

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