Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome to the New Year

Like every year I think people have high expectations at the start of a brand new year.  This year I am definitely no exception.  In my mind I have so many things I want to have accomplished by the end of 2013.  I usually do not officially make resolutions at the beginning of the year, but I just have goals in the back of my mind that I want to accomplish.  So here are some of my goals for 2013.

1. Keep the house in a clean state:  Not that our house is always a total mess, it is also not always clean.  Granted with a three year old it's hard to always keep the toys put away.  I just want to try and constantly keep the carpet vacuumed, the bathrooms looking nice and the kitchen organized.  I have even set up a schedule for myself on the calendar.  One room every day and then once all the rooms are done then you are ready to start over again, that way when it comes time to do the major cleaning it's won't be such an all consuming kind of thing.

2. Save money:  This one is probably on a lot of people's list of things to accomplish this year and really for every year for that matter.  The end of 2012 brought a huge financial decision to this family.  We made the decision to sell Casey's old truck and buy a brand new one.  The nice thing about selling Casey's old truck is that we owned it free and clear and have been able to get more then 50% of what they offered us in cash.  That money will be used to pay off some outstanding credit debt.  We decided that paying off credit card debt was a financial hurdle that we haven't been able to over come.  Yes, we will have two car payments but with two credit cards at zero balance we will actually be able to save money this way.  We will also be looking to use more coupons.  I am not looking to do anything extreme just find ways to save more every shopping trip.  Thanks to CVS I have a feeling I will be able to accomplish this goal.  If you live near a CVS I highly recommend you get their extra care card and start earning rewards.

3.  Create a stronger family:  Don't get me wrong we have a strong family but there are times when it feels like we spend more time individually then we do as a family.  I know me having a part time job in the evenings and weekends really makes it difficult to have a lot of family time, but we just need to know how to utilize the time we do get to have together.  Also part of creating a stronger family is that I hope we can add to the family.  I believe we are at the stage where adding a second child would be fruitful.  Alexis is a good age and I believe she would make a wonderful and very helpful older sister.  Also with the financial goals we have we should be able to afford it.  Although can anyone every truly afford a baby(maybe rich people).  I cannot wait to really start making the Weaver family strong and wonderful.  We already are but in every family there is always room to grow and I love watching my family grow.

So here is to a wonderful 2013 and all that it brings.

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