Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Love

So today my wonderful husband celebrates his 30th birthday.  Unfortunately falling on a Tuesday limited what we could do to celebrate.  Although the day was full of a lot of good things.  First good thing was that the birthday cake I made turned out great.  Usually, for some reason unknown to me, when I make round cakes they always fall apart when I take them out of the pan.  This time I baked it and when I got the cakes out of the pan they came out easy and didn't fall apart and help up the whole day even after frosting it.  Score one for me.  I usually feel bad when the cake is falling apart before you can even cut into it.  Glad it came out ok.

Second good thing of the day is we finally got the check we have been waiting for from the sale of Casey's old truck!  This means that we get to pay off bills.  Our credit card debt will decrease by a lot.  Since the money didn't come in time to pay one bill by the end of the month we will only have one card paid off instead of two like we wanted.  But the second card we were hoping to pay off is interest free so we don't mind having to wait another month to pay it off.

I wish I could have thrown Casey a birthday party or at least surprised him with an amazing present but got to do what you can.  I was able to get the night off work so just being able to have dinner as a family was celebrating enough for us.  Also having Alexis constantly telling him happy birthday put a smile on his face.

Here is to a great year for my wonderful husband.  Happy Birthday.

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