Monday, December 10, 2012

Alexis' First Dance Recital

So Alexis has been in dance class since pretty much the summer.  I decided to take her to dance class over the summer while it was basically pay as you go.  That made it nice because I just wanted to see if she liked dance class.  The class is a Dance With Me class, so I participate in class with her.  They are taught very basic ballet moves and just do fun dances.  Alexis really got into the summer classes so we signed her up for regular classes.  She has been doing so well and now even makes me sit in the corner so I can watch her dance.  It's kind of boring to just watch her because the class is meant for parent participation as well, but I love how independent she has become and how good she is at following the teacher and doing all the dances by herself.

Saturday was her very first dance recital and it was really nice.  Alexis had been excited about it all day telling everyone who asked what our plans were.  She would tell them she had her dance recital.  She looked so cute in her dance costume.  All the little girls did.  Lots of pink.  I will admit I got a little teary eyed when we were waiting back stage.  My baby's first dance recital.  Unsure why I got emotional but it happens.  When it was time for us to go on stage Alexis got a little stage fright.  I think it was because when they sent us on stage it was completely dark and I think that scared her a little since it was her first time.  She did the dance a little bit.  I helped her with the moves but by the end she was doing it herself.  I kind of wished they let them do the dance twice because I know the second time she would have done the whole dance by herself.  It was still great and lots of fun and there will be another recital in May.

On a completely different note, another blogger I have been following finally was able to get a positive pregnancy test on her third round of IUI.  So big congrats to Miss KK, best of luck to you and a happy and healthy nine months and  I cannot wait to watch your pregnancy grow and keep cheering you on.

So here is to a wonderful dance season for Alexis and a healthy nine months to KK.

Here are a few pictures from after the recital

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