As I pay the bills we have this morning I realize we have successfully paid off balances on two credit cards and have one remaining to pay off. We are not so much worried about this last one because it still has another year of interest free on it, but we will most certainly be paying it off well before the year mark hits. It's just so wonderful to know that we were able to go to from almost being dependent on the use of a credit card to using cash or out debit card(which is the same as cash). Let me tell you it wasn't completely easy. We had to start making grocery lists and not just deciding what we wanted in the store. Price comparing may seem like it is too time consuming but if you have several different stores in your area that offer the same products, price comparing can save you a lot of money. Basically you go where the best sales are. Coupons are good too. We are not extreme about cutting coupons but we will search out coupons for the items we tend to purchase quite a lot and that helps especially when we find a good sale. Matching a coupon with the best sale will save you the most amount of money. So we get the Sunday paper every week and look through the coupons and all the ads and find out where the best deals are for the items we need.
So far it's been working out great. We have used my weekly paycheck to pay for the day to day items and depending on if it's time for us to put gas in our cars we may have enough to fill up one car. We never fill up the cars in the same week and we never let our tanks get to empty. Our local grocery store has gas coupons but it's only for so many gallons. So we usually try to fill up when we reach that point so we are maximizing our savings. Sometimes you have to let it go for a little bit longer but we never run our tanks all the way down before filling up.
With a second one on the way, saving money has become more important then every and we seem to be doing a good job about it. I know it will become harder as we have to start buying diapers and formula and other baby needs but if we keep to a budget and strict shopping lists all of that stuff will work in nicely to what we are already doing.
We decided to stop using our credit card when we purchased our new truck which was right before Christmas and since then only one purchase has been put on the card and it was for a work trip for my husband so he got reimbursed for it so we were able to pay it off fully and right away with the reimbursement.
Here's too a successful first almost 1/3 of the year without using the credit card and going even further without swiping it.
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