Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I know it's been a long time since I posted anything, but life has been pretty busy.

I just have to say I am sick and tired of winter and snow.  We got another snow storm last night and I can probably say with confidence that the snow is probably up to my knees.  I am just glad Alexis isn't asking to so outside because we could probably lose her in one of the snow drifts.  There is now way to get out of our sliding glass door.  Thankfully where we live they do snow removal so our sidewalk and drive is clear.

I just want it to be spring time.  I want the snow to melt and be able to take Alexis to the park every day and not have to bundle her up in boots, snow pants, coat, hat, and gloves.

With all this snow we will probably have a flood this year which thankfully we live far enough away from the river we won't be effected but it will cut us off from the other half of town.  Oh well, it happens I guess.

Here's to finally warming up and the snow finally melting.

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