Monday, May 20, 2013

It's a....


So last week I had my very first ultrasound and we were able to find out what we are having.  Not only are we having a little girl, she is very stubborn to say the least.  It took two pass overs the private area to see what you need to see to tell boy or girl.  Also it took 40 minutes to get all the measurements and even then the tech couldn't get a good look at everything so I will go back in about 8 weeks to have another ultrasound done.  They figure once the baby develops more they will get a better look at what they couldn't get a good look at before.

Let me tell you that Alexis' reaction to hearing that she was going to have a little sister was epic.  I wish I had had the video camera or at least my phone recording it because it was priceless.  From the beginning she has told me that she wants a sister and that with no doubt in her voice that the baby is a girl.  She wouldn't even entertain the thought that it could be a boy, she was certain it was a girl.  So I don't know if she just really wanted a sister or she had some kind of 'kid sense'.  I had no feeling either way this time.  Some people assumed boy because I was having a different pregnancy then I had with Alexis but I knew that different pregnancy doesn't mean opposite sex.  Casey knew it was a girl, I think he figures he will only have girls.  I joke that maybe we can try for a boy, but he said no and I think it's partly because he doesn't want three girls.  We are happy to complete our family with this little girl.

We have no names picked out yet as of now.  I have a baby name book I borrowed from a friend and we have started to throw names in the hat but nothing has made us go 'THAT'S IT'.  We have time and I am confident we will have a name picked out before she is born.  If you ask Alexis her little sisters name should be 'scooter'.  She is going to be an amazing big sister and will love her little sister to death.

Here is the picture I used to announce on Facebook.  We are looking forward to finding a name, picking out a room color, and doing some baby shopping.

Here's to a continued healthy pregnancy!

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