Thursday, May 2, 2013

17 weeks- onion

Well I am going strong in my second trimester.  Starting to doubt I will get this surge of energy that usually comes with second trimester.  I probably would have it if this was my first child, but I am on my second and have a three and a half year old that always wants to be doing something.  I am also babysitting the most adorable 2 month old which keeps me on my toes but it's also really good practice for when the new baby arrives.

So besides when they ask me how I am feeling, people seem to like to know how this pregnancy is comparing to my last one.  Let me tell you it's very different.  I never really got sick with Alexis.  I had my moments but nothing like the first trimester with this one.  Thankfully the sickness has passed.  The other thing that is different is my dreams.  I have had very weird dreams this time around.  My dreams usually stem from the last thing I have watched on TV so if it's been something intense my dreams can get pretty weird.  I know Casey doesn't like when I have weird dreams because I am all over the bed.  Last night was my first real baby dream.  We have our first ultrasound in a week and a half and last night I had a dream about the ultrasound.  I don't believe in dreams being premonitions.  Especially this dream because I know there is no way that this is the way the ultrasound will happen.  Although when the tech told us the sex he said girl.  Now that part could possibly be true.  Granted there is a 50/50 chance of the sex of the baby part of the dream is true.  I am excited about the ultrasound.  With Alexis they did a dating ultrasound very early in my pregnancy so I got to see her more then once so it was fun to compare how much she grew and changed between ultrasounds which was about 10 weeks apart.  Now with this one, I have heard the heartbeat twice but haven't been able to see anything so it will be fun to see him/her actually looking like a baby when I first get a peek.  I am excited to see how Alexis reacts to seeing the baby on the screen.  I am unsure if she will understand what is going on , but she was impressed when she heard the baby's heartbeat at my last appointment.  I know she will be thrilled to find out if it's a boy or a girl.  She really wants a sister so if it's a girl she will probably be really excited.

I am excited to start finding a name and figuring out what color we will paint the bedroom.  I have been waiting to get my hands on that bedroom since we moved in.  The previous owners painted every room of the house except the third bedroom.  They did put a wallpaper boarder up that i couldn't wait to get down.  I got most of it down just need to finish getting the wallpaper off and paint it.

I haven't taken too many belly pictures but I did take one last week at 16 weeks 2 days.  It's just of the belly and not my face because it was looking awkward.

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