Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lemon-14 weeks

I am now successfully into the 2nd trimester.  Thankfully my symptoms have started to lighten up.  I am still tired, but then again I have started babysitting an 8 week old on top of caring for my 3.5 year old.  It's nice getting 'practice' having two kids.  Most of my nausea has subsided.  Hoping my appetite will increase now that I don't feel sick anymore.  No real cravings yet and no other aversions expect for taco salad.

I have another appointment next Wednesday the 17th.  Just a basic routine one, and hopefully during that one we will discuss when I can have my 20 week ultrasound done.  I am excited to find out boy or girl.  I know a lot of people have various reasons to either wait until delivery or find out at an ultrasound.  I have a few reasons for wanting to find out.  If we have another girl I will know I just have to wash and reorganize all of the clothes from Alexis, and if we have a boy then I will know I have to try and sell our girl clothes and buy boy clothes.  Thankfully all of our big stuff is gender neutral because we knew that we would want another child and best to not buy gender specific big stuff so it would save us money.  Plus finding out the gender will help us pick out a name, I would rather focus on one name then trying to make two different lists.  And lastly I would rather get the room painted before hand then trying to squeeze in painting with a newborn.  Plus I think everyone else is excited to find out what we are having.  My dad has asked several times if my appointment is the one I find out boy or girl.

Not much else going on.  Still waiting for spring to arrive, just took a look outside and there is actually snow falling.  I am tired of this weather.  Here is to spring finally showing up.

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