Thursday, September 27, 2012

No Answers

So yesterday morning I went to my annual OB/GYN appointment.  The only answer I got was, I am currently not pregnant but doesn't mean I could still get pregnant or be pregnant but only a couple days along so it's not showing on any tests.  I knew I wasn't pregnant so I wasn't really expecting another answer I was just expecting more of an answer then what I got.

I saw a new provider in the practice, which she seems great and all but was really laid back in a plan if I don't get my period or a positive pregnancy test any time soon.  Her advice was to relax and just wait and keep doing things like normal.  She thinks there is still a possibility I could get pregnant which is nice but I don't know how big of a chance.  She basically told me to wait two to three more weeks and if I still haven't gotten my period to take another test and if it comes back negative to keep waiting.  But I was able to decide with her if I do not have my period or a positive pregnancy test by november I should call them.  I understand the need to relax and not stress out because it would make the situation worse, if my period is just stalled stressing about it could stall it even further.  I just wanted to have some kind of plan in case come november I still don't have my period or a positive pregnancy test.  I guess I am going to have to wait until then and see what will happen from there.  I really don't want it to take three or four months before they do something about me not getting my period.  If there is something wrong I would rather know sooner rather then later.  I know coming of birth control will mess with my system and I am just going to take it in stride but if I keep getting the relax and it will happen when it happens talk from my doctor I might start to get a little on edge because I know going several months without a period could be a potential problem, especially coming off birth control it might mean there is some sort of problem.

So for now I will relax, take it one day at a time, continue with the baby making and in about two weeks(because I doubt I will make it three weeks) I will take another test to see if I am pregnant if I have not had a visit from AF.

I am just glad I have things to keep my occupied.  A wonderful little girl I get to spend every day with, my photography(two sessions coming up), my amazing and understanding husband and my job even though my job can drive me nuts sometimes, it helps me from thinking about things too much.

My parents are coming this weekend and I am thinking I have to relocate my pregnancy tests so they don't start asking questions because I don't feel like answering them.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Waiting for.....

Something to happen.  Is is so hard to ask for my body to be normal.  I mean I know there isn't really a normal when it comes to the human body, but I wan my body to go back to what I am use to.

Still no period and I am officially a week late from when I was 'suppose' to get my period.  I haven't taken a HPT test since Friday because I got tired of seeing negative signs.  I am on the fence about taking on Wednesday morning before my annual exam because I have a feeling they will take a pregnancy test and I would rather not waste the money and take one at home.

My weekend was crazy and usually when I am very active sometimes that spurs my period.  But nothing.  I am glad my bloating has subsided and I haven't had cramps really so I am wondering if my body was gearing up to get a period and then for some reason didn't.  All the negatives have me convinced that I am not pregnant.  I would be very shocked if I took another home test and it came back positive.

Please body do what you are suppose to.  I am tired of waiting and now I am starting to worry something has gone wrong and things won't be 'normal' again.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

First Blog

This is my first time blogging.  As the title of my blog suggests, I am hoping to expand our family from three to four.  I wanted to start a blog so I could keep my emotions straight and just have something to document my journey.

Currently this is the first month off birth control.  I have been on birth control for three years.  I had my daughter in august of 2009 and she is the greatest little girl ever and now we are ready for a second.

Right now I am anxiously, yes, anxiously, awaiting my period.  From a 'normal' 28 day cycle I was suppose to get it on Monday, well it's Thursday and the only signs are bloating and a few cramps here and there.  I have taken several HPT(home pregnancy tests) and they have all come up negative.  So I am stuck in limbo waiting for an answer.

I have my annual appointment set up for Sept. 26 so I guess if nothing happens by then I guess I can ask them for some answers.  I know it can take a while for my body to bounce back from being controlled by hormones for so long I just didn't expect to have all the symptoms and no results.

So for now I am just stuck in limbo....