Monday, October 14, 2013

Last Day

So my little girl has decided to be stubborn and hang out longer then her due date.  Yup, I am still pregnant and was due Oct. 10.  Well she is getting kicked out tomorrow no matter what.  So today is my last day being pregnant.  I am still hoping to go into labor on my own and avoid being induced but I am ready for whatever happens.

I am not sure of the whole inducement process so it will be interesting to see what happens and how my body handles it.  I am concerned that I won't be able to go pain med free like I want but we will see what happens.  Hopefully I am far enough along that they could break my water first and let my body do it's own thing before trying medication.

I know my doctor never expected me to last this long.  I had my last appointment on Wednesday, the day before my due date, and I was having contractions every about three minutes but they were not painful.  But because they were regular and I was dilated some he set the induction date thinking I wouldn't need it.  Looks like I will need it.

Here is my final picture of me pregnant:

Here is to a easy, fast and safe inducement.

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