Friday, October 25, 2013

Welcoming Chloe Madison

I know it's been over a week but it's been a wonderful and crazy week.  So while my little peanut is sleeping after feeding I figure I would blog my birth story.

For anyone who actually reads this will know that I was scheduled for inducement on Oct. 15th.  No one, including my doctor thought I would make it through the weekend since I was contracting regularly at my last appointment on Oct. 9.  Well I ended up contracting on and off all weekend but it never developed into anything.  I went about my daily routine even going to work all weekend.  I walked a lot hoping to get something going but at the end of the day was just disappointed that nothing was sending me to the hospital.

I honestly don't know how I got any sleep Monday night.  I was also contracting on and off all night getting my hopes up that I would go into labor on my own before having to start the inducement.  But 5am Tuesday morning rolled around and no labor.  I called the hospital to check what time I was suppose to come in and they told me by 7am.  So I got my husband up, we both showered, ate breakfast and got the babysitter over to the house to watch Alexis.  We got to the hospital just a little after seven.  We got all settled into the labor room and got everything set up.  Casey was actually thinking about going into work that morning for a meeting but when his boss heard of his plan to come in she squashed that idea.

It wasn't until sometime after 8am that I was actually started on pitocin to get things started.  I was on pitocin for probably an hour or so when my doctor came in before heading to the office and he broke my water.  By that time I was only about 3.5 cm dilated and I thought I was going to be in it for the long haul.    Well around 10 or 11am things go intense and a little scary.  Up until they my contractions were manageable.  They hurt but I was able to semi talk through them and I wasn't needing any kind of pain control.  But then the nurse thought my contraction monitor had moved because it was showing my contraction wasn't going back to what my baseline was.  She had me lay on my side to try and get the contraction to go away.  I wasn't really feeling it so that's why they thought it was my monitor.  Then I guess Chloe's heart rate started to drop.  Then I started feeling the contraction in my back, which let me tell you is not fun.  My nurse then asked me to flip to my other side but by that time I was in a decent amount of pain and wasn't going to be able to flip myself.  The nurse called for extra help to get me on my other side and by that time I am sure the monitors at the nurses station were going off because Chloe's heart rate was dropping because when she called for help to flip me to my other side about six nurse showed up.  Prior to flipping me on my right side, they but a heart monitor on my finger and put the oxygen mask on.  I saw the look on Casey's face and I could tell he was worried and felt helpless.  I didn't dare ask what was going on because if I knew the extent of the situation I probably would have freaked out and made the situation worse.  They had told me her heart rate had dropped to 80, and my husband later told me it really dipped as low as 60 but knew they weren't telling me so I wouldn't freak out.  During this whole ordeal my pain go almost unbearable so I started asking for some kind of pain medication.  I was unsure if I wanted to break down and get an epidural but I knew I wanted something.  I ended up having the CRNA come in and explain the epidural to me and I even signed the consent form in case I asked for it.  But I passed on the epidural at the time and ended up getting the IV pain medication fentynal  which helped take a little bit of the sting off.  By that time I had such bad back pain not too much would have helped.  I did get some heating pads that helped.  Once they got Chloe's heart beat stable I was able to get the IV drugs.  They checked me and I was only at 5cm.  I was kind of disappointed at my progress because I knew it could be hours before I was at ten.  But my contractions were getting more and more intense.  I wasn't able to talk through them and I started squeezing both Casey and the nurses hand to get through the pain.  After the fentynal wore off I had another intense and long contraction and so at that time I broke down and asked for the epidural.  They went to check with the CRNA because they were suppose to be prepping for c-section.  Well the nurse came back saying they had already gone into the operating room so I was going to have to wait for the epidural.  So I asked if it was possible to get another round of IV pain meds.  They called my doctor and he approved it.  My doctor is actually a big advocate of epidurals and told me when he broke my water I should get one and even kind of did an 'I told you so' after I delivered.  Well my second dose of IV meds did nothing but make my hands and my feet tingle.  My husband noted that I was no longer on the pitocin drip and hadn't been since the scare which meant I could probably take a bath if I wanted.  So after using the bathroom I decided to ask if I could take a bath.  They said they would have to check me and I had to promise that I would get out of the tub in time to deliver.  My doctor then came in to check me saying he wasn't going to jump in the tub with me to deliver Chloe.  Well he checked me and I was 8-9cm so taking a bath was out of the question and at that point so was getting an epidural.  He had plans to go back to his office but once he checked me and I kept telling him I was having strong urges to push he realized he wasn't going to make it back to the office.  After telling me multiple times not to push he checked me again, and I even told him I would kick him if he told me I couldn't push.  I was still only 9cm but he knew it would go fast so my doctor left to call the office and change into scrubs.  All the while they were setting up the room for delivery, they brought in the warmer, had an assistant come in and get everything ready.  By the time my doctor came back in I was screaming through contractions trying not to push.  He checked me and even though I wasn't quite 10cm he said I was close enough that we could work around the last little bit.  So on the next contraction I was able to push and her head was coming out.  Well her head only part way came out and had to sit there for the next contraction and that was so uncomfortable I was crying and asking for them just to pull her out but they couldn't so the next contraction I got her head and most of her body out.  Chloe came into the world at 1:24pm after 4 pushes.  She weighed 6 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches long.    Her face was all purple but thankfully it wasn't because she was not breathing.  Because she was really low the whole time and how fast I delivered her, she ended up having a cone shaped head and a bruised face.  But she passed all of her tests and was absolutely perfect.

Although I did ask for the epidural my desire for a epidural free labor and delivery ended up coming true.  I honestly was like the rock star of the birthing center for doing it without and epidural especially once they learned that I didn't have an epidural with Alexis either.  It was a completely different experience this time around.  It was more intense and more painful but the end result was the same.  A wonderful, perfect and healthy little girl.

She is 10 days old now and we have settled into being a family of four very nicely.  I am doing the 'single mom' thing this weekend because Casey is at a conference in St. Louis but both girls have been amazing so I should be able to survived this weekend with little to no problems.

Here are some pictures of Chloe.  The first one shows how purple her face was from being bruised, then a family photo and one of Alexis and Chloe.

Here is to a wonderful life as a family of four.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Last Day

So my little girl has decided to be stubborn and hang out longer then her due date.  Yup, I am still pregnant and was due Oct. 10.  Well she is getting kicked out tomorrow no matter what.  So today is my last day being pregnant.  I am still hoping to go into labor on my own and avoid being induced but I am ready for whatever happens.

I am not sure of the whole inducement process so it will be interesting to see what happens and how my body handles it.  I am concerned that I won't be able to go pain med free like I want but we will see what happens.  Hopefully I am far enough along that they could break my water first and let my body do it's own thing before trying medication.

I know my doctor never expected me to last this long.  I had my last appointment on Wednesday, the day before my due date, and I was having contractions every about three minutes but they were not painful.  But because they were regular and I was dilated some he set the induction date thinking I wouldn't need it.  Looks like I will need it.

Here is my final picture of me pregnant:

Here is to a easy, fast and safe inducement.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Baby Shower

Over the weekend we had a baby shower.  It was more like a end of the season bbq but it was still fun, despite the fact that we had to do it inside because it was rainy and wet.  We had a lot of people come and despite us saying we didn't need anything, people brought gifts.

The biggest success was our onesie decorating station.  Everyone decorated more then one and I still have plain white ones left to use as under shirts and such.

Everyone is getting anxious to meet this little girl.  Got less then a week to go until my due date.  I have my last appointment set for Wednesday Oct. 9 and then i will get a non stress test and as the doctor said we will 'pick a birthday' if she doesn't show on her own.

Here are some pictures of the decorated onesies.

Here's to Chloe making her appearance soon.