Thursday, July 18, 2013

28 weeks- 3rd Trimester

So I have officially reached my 3rd trimester.  This pregnancy has been flying by.  It has been a relatively uneventful pregnancy which is what I like.  The only big thing is today I was suppose to have my glucose test but the drink made me sick and I threw it up and so they couldn't do my blood draw because it wouldn't have had taken effect.  So I have to redo it again Monday afternoon.  Hoping that after both a breakfast and lunch in my stomach that I can hold down the drink.  My one big problem is having to drink it in five minutes so I try to chug it to finish it in time.  Hopefully this next time I can get it down rather quickly and with no problems.

I do not really have an update on the nursery because we actually still haven't started work on it.  We have picked up a bunch of color samples but still need to figure out which one will work the best.  My mom should be coming up in a week or so and then we will get down to business.

Chloe is all stocked up on clothes.  Between what we have saved from Alexis and from what we have purchased from people selling what they don't need anymore we have enough to probably put her in several outfits a day.  We will wash everything and probably pick and choose what we want and resell the rest.  Of course we will wait and see how big she is because who knows what size she will need to start with.  Alexis was a pint size little girl but has always followed the sizing of clothes pretty closely but all kids/babies are different.  We have also stocked up on diapers when people are selling extras they don't need.  We have yet to actually pay full price for diapers(except the left over size 5's we had from when we potty trained Alexis).  We have found that there are extreme couponer's in our area and they hold garage sales to sell off excess stock.  One of them has diapers and we are hoping to get to her next sale early enough to hopefully snag some good prices on diapers but I do know they probably go fast.

I don't have a picture from this week but I do have a side by side comparison from last week.  The one on the left is when i was just about 27 weeks with Alexis and the one on the right is just about 27 weeks with Chloe.

Here's to hopefully a successful glucose test on monday.

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