Thursday, September 26, 2013

38 weeks

I cannot believe it's been 38 weeks since I got pregnant.  To me this pregnancy has flown by.  Fast then it did when I was pregnant with Alexis.  Maybe because this time around I had more to occupy my time.  I will say I am starting to reach the point where I am getting tired of being pregnant.  This pregnancy has worn me out.  I do not sleep well, plus with working, babysitting and having a very energetic 4 year old, all my energy just gets sucked out.  But I wouldn't change any of it.

I still have a ton to do around the house.  The baby's room is almost all done.  My parents will be up this weekend and hopefully my mom will be bringing the curtains so we can get those hung.  Then just need to wash, sort and store all the clothes and the room should be complete except for things for the wall, which are all projects in the works right now.

Alexis is doing so good in preschool.  She loves going and has been making friends.  She loves coming home and telling me about her day.  She seems to be learning a lot and just having fun.  I am so glad it's going well because that puts my mind at ease that she is having a good time while she is there while I am at home trying to get stuff done.  I know she will need that time when the baby comes.

We are starting to get fall around here.  Still nice weather to go outside, but the leaves are starting to change which is always fun to watch.  Unfortunately the wind comes in with the fall and sometimes it's too windy to really go outside and play but we still try and get out when we can knowing soon enough it will be winter.

here is a picture of me from today exactly 38 weeks.  Count down is on to see when Chloe will decide to arrive.

here is to getting everything done in time!

Monday, September 2, 2013

All grown up

I cannot believe that my little girl has completed her first week of preschool.  I mean technically it was only two days instead of three but we both survived.  I expected that being extremely pregnant I would be weepy and not want her to go but I was actually looking forward to being able to go grocery shopping all by myself.

What made it even easier was that Alexis was excited to go to school.  One of her friends is in her class so she knew someone right off the bat.  We went to school a little before check in to take pictures.  It was nice that Casey was able to make it since drop off is over his lunch.

The three hours she spent at school flew by.  Between grocery shopping and actually taking time to make myself lunch before I knew it I had to go get Alexis from school.  Pick up was pretty easy, she ran and gave me a hug and then realized that she had to leave and then she decided she didn't want to leave.  I guess it's better that she enjoys school and can't wait to go and doesn't want to leave, then her not wanting to go and throwing a tantrum and crying a screaming.  It was so hot last week the schools kept letting out early because most of the schools do not have a/c so on Wednesday she didn't have school but had it on friday.  Another easy drop off and then at pick up she insisted that she was going to stay at school for the night.

I am so happy she likes going to school and hope that continues as she gets older.  Here are some pictures of her first day.

Here is to a very good first year of school for my little girl who has grown up too fast.