Sunday, February 10, 2013

8 weeks!

I know it's been a while since I updated.  Mostly because not much has been going on.  Happy to report that we have made it 8 weeks without using our credit card!  This is a big accomplishment for us.  We are getting a decent size tax refund back which will help pay off our remaining credit cards that have been zero percent interest.  Once everything is paid off our goal is to save money and then hopefully when we have more then enough we will buy a new furnace.

Our furnace has been giving us a problem for almost a year now.  But it's not one of those things you have just have the money laying around for.  The fun part is now I have to call all sorts of companies and get quotes.  I am going to call all the ones in the phone book that say they give free estimates.  I am sure as heck not going to pay someone to come out just to tell me how many thousands of dollars a new furnace is going to cost.  The last time we had the furnace repair guy out he did say he was able to do something to it to make it run more efficiently which was nice and hopefully will hopefully save us money on our electric bill.  I mean in the dead of winter in Grand Forks, ND there isn't much you can do about keeping your heater from kicking on every other minute especially when without windchill the temperature can get as low as -30.  Thankfully it looks like we have left the below zero temps behind and the temps will start making there way to higher numbers.

Not much else going on.  Just working, which thankfully I have been able to get more hours thanks to people needed shifts covered and calling off.  With spring fast approaching I should see an increase of hours because more and more people will start shopping again.

Here's to a quick arrival of spring(no matter what the groundhog says!)